Throughout the past year the Association of University Presses (AUPresses) has spoken out to signify our community’s integrity, stewardship of research and resources, and abiding support of intellectual freedom as well as equity and inclusion:
AUPresses Joins Statement Opposing Restrictions on Teaching about Racism and American History, June 2021
Supporting PEN America’s “Joint Statement on Legislative Efforts to Restrict Education about Racism and American History”
University Presses Respond to September 11, Then and Now, September 2021
AUPresses Signs Publishers Compact on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, October 2021
AUPresses Condemns Political Attacks on Books in Schools, December 2021
Joining in public support of a statement by National Coalition Against Censorship
AUPresses Applauds Announcement of EvenUP Initiative, January 2022
The Ethical Imperative of the University Press, February 2022
Published in the inaugural issues of the George Washington University Journal of Ethics in Publishing
AUPresses Joins Condemnation of Presidential Records Act Violations, February 2022
Joining in public support of a statement by the American Historical Association (AHA)
AUPresses Joins Denunciation of Racist Threats to Universities, February 2022
Joining in public support of a statement by the AHA