The Association of University Presses (AUPresses) is a global community of publishing professionals and institutions committed to the highest caliber of research-based scholarship. Together, we advance the essential role of publishers whose mission is to ensure academic excellence and cultivate knowledge.
University presses and similar mission-driven nonprofit scholarly presses publish books, journals, and digital works on the cutting edge of knowledge and research. The Association was established in 1937 to help these presses do their work more economically, creatively, and effectively through cooperative marketing programs, professional development and education opportunities, research and data collection, and public advocacy.
AUPresses also provides an organizational framework for collaboration among members. During the 2021-2022 program year, 172 volunteers from member presses served on the Association’s committees and task forces. These volunteers, supported by their colleagues, carry out many aspects of the Association’s work. The Board of Directors, made up of 13 people selected from the staff of member presses, as well as the Executive Director, developed policy and provided guidance. A staff of 5 to 7 managed the Association’s programs, coordinated committee projects, and represented the Association to the academy and beyond.
Together, AUPresses, our member presses, and our volunteer leaders work toward a world that understands and values the many ways that scholarship enriches societies, institutions, and individuals.