Acquisitions Editorial
The Acquisitions Editorial Committee seeks to foster community among acquisitions staff by providing opportunities for mentorship, learning, and professional development. The committee develops guidelines for best practices in acquisitions (e.g., the peer review process); hosts conversations about critical topics and emerging concerns within scholarly publishing; promotes equitable, inclusive, and ethical editorial and workplace practices; and gathers and shares resources that support editors and acquisitions staff in their work.
Peggy Solic, Rutgers, Chair
Courtney Berger, Duke
Andrew Berzanskis, Washington
Christine Dunbar, Columbia
Catherine Goldstead, Johns Hopkins
Zachary Gresham, Vanderbilt
Suzanne Guiod, Bucknell
Nate Holly, Georgia
Kitty Liu, Cornell
Christabel Scaife, Liverpool
Jenny Tan, Pennsylvania
Niko Pfund, Oxford, Board Liaison
Brenna McLaughlin, Central Office Liaison
The Advocacy Committee was retired in 2021-2022, as supporting advocacy work became more intentional and integrated in the practices and outputs of other committees and Central Office staff.
Joel Cosseboom, Hawai’i, Co-Chair
Lisa Quinn, Wilfrid Laurier, Co-Chair
Nate Bauer, Alaska
Ellen Chodosh, New York
Joanna Conrad, Texas Tech
Micah Kleit, Rutgers
Elaine Maisner, North Carolina
Peter Mickulas, Rutgers
Barbara Pope, Johns Hopkins
Christie Henry, Princeton, Board Liaison
Peter Berkery and Annette Windhorn, Central Office Liaisons
Annual Meeting 2022
The 2022 Program Committee planned the first in-person program since 2019 with a balance of informative sessions and spacious time to reconnect. The goal of bringing people back together resulted in more collaboration labs, longer breaks between concurrent sessions, and a celebration of Juneteenth that includes Sunday morning walking tours and a Sunday evening banquet featuring a Juneteenth-inspired menu. This year’s keynote speakers included Shelly Lowe, National Endowment for the Humanities chair; Linda Steinman, AUPresses general counsel, speaking on the reemergence of book banning; Toni Tipton-Martin, author of Jubilee: Recipes from Two Centuries of African American Cooking and The Jemima Code: Two Centuries of African American Cookbooks, who will be speaking Sunday evening on The Jemima Code and the future of food writing; and Anjali Vats, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, speaking at the closing plenary on understanding structural racism in copyright law. In addition to an opening night event at the Library of Congress, AUPresses also looks to its future with a committee fair to provide information and recruit members to serve.
Natalie Eidenier, Michigan State, Co-Chair
Joeth Zucco, Washington, Co-Chair
Elizabeth Brown, Johns Hopkins
Heather Gernenz, Illinois
Kathy Killoh, Athabasca`
Katelyn Leboff, Cornell
Hope LeGro, Georgetown
Elizabeth Scarpelli, Cincinnati
Dan Taber, Oxford
Jenny Tan, Pennsylvania
Kerry Webb, Texas
Stephanie Williams, Wayne State
Lisa Bayer, Georgia, Board Liaison
Peter Berkery, Central Office Liaison
Annual Meeting 2023
With planning season approaching, the Annual Meeting Committee is soon to begin organizing the program, and procuring speakers, panelists, and moderators for the AUPresses 2023. Returning to a virtual format in June 2023, the committee is looking forward to planning a dynamic virtual program filled with powerful plenaries, informative concurrent sessions, interactive collaboration labs, and networking events—and that embraces accessibility and inclusivity.
Pending, Chair
Charles Watkinson, Michigan, Board Liaison
Peter Berkery, Central Office Liaison
Book, Jacket, and Journal Show
The Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Committee has ensured the continued success and visibility of the show against the backdrop of the pandemic. The committee has maintained year-round visibility in the AUPresses and graphic design communities through the AUPresses Design website and @AUPressesDesign social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram. While the traveling exhibit was put on hold once more due to COVID and continued remote work, the committee produced the show catalog in print and in digital format on We were able to return to judging the show in person, with the selections again showcasing the breadth and depth of design and typography accomplished by member presses of the Association.
Barbara Bourgoyne, LSU, Chair
Mindy Basinger Hill, New Mexico
Jennifer Blanc-Tal, Rutgers
Ani Deyirmenjian, Toronto
Kevin Barrett Kane, Stanford
Mark Lerner, Fordham
Wendy McMillen, Notre Dame
Brady McNamara, Oxford
Regina Starace, Penn State
Carrie Downes Teefey, Wayne State
Stephanie Williams, Wayne State, Board Liaison
Kate Kolendo, Central Office Liaison
Business Systems
The Business Systems Committee is currently looking at ways to make the Quarterly Sales Data and Annual Operating Statistics Survey as comprehensive—and as useful to members—as possible. In addition, the committee will soon be developing plans for revision of the Business Handbook.
Al Bertrand, Georgetown, Chair
Eric Brandt, Virginia
Nadine Buckland, West Indies
Hilary Claggett, Georgetown
Jami Clay, North Carolina
Jennie Collinson, Liverpool
Emily Farrell, MIT
Brad Hebel, Columbia
Wynona McCormick, Texas A&M
Alice Ennis, Illinois, Board Liaison
Kim Miller, Central Office Liaison
Digital Publishing
The Digital Publishing Committee, in collaboration with the Library Relations Committee and colleagues at DS/DH centers at Brown and Emory, offered the first two webinars in the Adventures in Digital Publishing Series about new kinds of digital publications on projects from Virginia and Michigan.
In advance of the Annual Meeting in June, the committee has developed an informal survey to poll member presses on their current efforts concerning accessibility, including experiences, obstacles, and other relevant information they’d be willing to share. The committee is also organizing a panel session, Taking the Next Steps to Create Accessible Content, for the June 2022 Annual Meeting. A list of ideas for a series of follow-up webinars on specific topics related to accessibility is also in the works. Finally, the group has been gathering input on our resource list and working with the Editorial, Design, and Production Committee on a plan to share resources on UP Commons.
Kate O’Brien-Nicholson, Fordham, Chair
Elizabeth Demers, Michigan
Taylor Dietrich, Cambridge
Meagan Dyer, British Columbia
Beth Fuget, Washington
Ally Lee, Liverpool
John Normansell, Manchester
Lily Simmons, Pennsylvania
Sara Thaxton, Arizona
Emily Zoss, National Gallery of Art
Allison Belan, Duke, Board Liaison
TBD, Central Office Liaison
Editorial, Design, and Production
The Editorial, Design, and Production (EDP) Committee has traditionally assisted the Annual Meeting Program Committee in developing EDP content as part of its charge to develop and manage tools, programs, and resources to support the editorial, design, and production departments of member presses. Over the past year, responding to feedback from committee members and other EDP staff, the committee has focused in particular on the topic of accessibility and EDP, hosting a hangout on getting started with making accessible ebooks, collecting resources on EDP and accessibility to be housed on the UP Commons site, and organizing the annual (virtual) EDP workshop around this topic.
Julia Cook, Rochester, Co-Chair
Laura Furney, Colorado, Co-Chair
Jennifer Comeau, Washington
Lynne Ferguson, Texas
Amanda Frost, Michigan State
Chris Granville, Duke
Ryan Morris, SUNY
Sarah Muncy, Cincinnati
Christine Thorsteinsson, Harvard
Charles Watkinson, Michigan, Board Liaison
TBD, Central Office Liaison
Equity, Justice, and Inclusion
To continue making progress on committee objectives, the Equity, Justice, and Inclusion (EJI) Committee expanded its size to 14. The committee’s primary focus was to continue work on a demographic pilot survey project, which will be introduced to the larger constituency at a collaboration lab at the 2022 Annual Meeting. The committee’s events subgroup focused on creating opportunities to encourage dialogue across multiple levels, with continued monthly director activation sessions to discuss EJI resources such as the C4DISC Toolkit for Organizations, the 2020 AUPresses compensation survey, and readings from relevant literature on neurodiversity. The subgroup tasked with sharing resources worked on carefully curating, vetting, and cataloging a DEI resource list that should be made available by AUPresses staff on UP Commons very soon. In addition to meeting biweekly in either subgroups or as a full committee, members continually worked collaboratively across the association—issuing calls to committee chairs for the resources project; fielding a number of questions from other committees and individual presses on matters such as demographic questions, advocacy for early-career and mid-career resources, salary transparency, inclusive hiring, and many other topics; and, once again, hosting the chairs of several other committees to ensure we make our work more collaborative across units, a precedent we hope other committees in addition to EJI make standard in coming administrative sessions.
Tara Cyphers, Ohio State, Co-Chair
Gianna Mosser, Vanderbilt, Co-Chair
Mike Baccam, Washington
Ellen Bush, North Carolina
Jessica Castro-Rappl, Duke
Stephanie Elliott Prieto, Wesleyan
Valarie Guagnini, Cambridge
Brian Halley, Massachusetts
Christie Henry, Princeton
Clare Litt, Liverpool
Gita Manaktala, MIT
Dominique Moore, Illinois
Carmen Tiampo, British Columbia
Caitlin Tyler-Richards, Michigan State
Saleem Dhamee, Chicago, Board Liaison
Peter Berkery and Brenna McLaughlin, Central Office Liaisons
Faculty Outreach
The Faculty Outreach Committee focused on developing the Ask UP site this year, recruiting new hosts, gathering FAQs from other committees and task forces, and generating new content, as well as vetting existing content for DEI and US-specific terminology. Several committee members helped develop new tools for publicizing Ask UP, including a QR code, a Twitter tile, and a graphic for email signatures. The group also started to develop a glossary of publishing terms and titles and continued to organize and host publishing panels at or adjacent to scholarly conferences, though impeded somewhat by the continuing pandemic.
Catherine Cocks, Michigan State, Chair
Anne Donlon, Modern Language Association
Ehren Foley, South Carolina
Kimberly Guinta, Rutgers
Angie Hogan, Virginia
Kathryn King, Bristol
Philip Leventhal, Columbia
Alisa Plant, Louisiana State
Marie Sweetman, Wayne State
Elizabeth Wilder, Arizona
Dan Williams, TCU
Christie Henry, Princeton, Board Liaison
Annette Windhorn, Central Office Liaison
Intellectual Property and Copyright
The Intellectual Property and Copyright (IP&C) Committee focused this year on creating resources to respond to specific conversations that emerged last year, particularly around equity and inclusion and fair use. The committee edited its charge to include education on the history of intellectual property, created a syllabus of Equity, Justice, and Inclusion-oriented IP readings, and proposed Anjali Vats, author of The Color of Creatorship, as a speaker to the Program Committee. The committee finished drafting the Fair Use and Social Media Guidelines started last year. The document has seen several rounds of feedback from the committee, IP & C cohort, and from key stakeholders in the larger membership, and is currently under legal review. The committee aims to post the resource with the Permissions FAQ on the AUPresses website by the fall and launch it at a panel on the subject at the Annual Meeting. Additional resources on licensing film rights, permissions considerations for highly illustrated works, and contracts best practices are in process, with work continuing into next year.
Ceylan Akturk, Princeton, Chair
Aurora Bell, South Carolina
Will Cerbone, Fordham
Eleanor Goodman, Penn State
Greta Lindquist, Stanford
Angelica Lopez-Torres, Texas
Elisabeth Maselli, Rutgers
Leslie Rollins, Gettty
Mary Francis, Pennsylvania, Board Liaison
Kate Kolendo, Central Office Liaison
The Investment Committee provides oversight to the investment of the Association’s quasi-endowment fund. The committee also monitors other Association investments relative to the objectives outlined in the Investment Policy Statement (IPS).
Dan Wackrow, Harvard, Chair
Mike Bieker, Arkansas
Susan Doerr, Minnesota
Brent Oberlin, MIT
Donna Shear, Nebraska
Tracy Tritschler, Missouri
Amy Schultz, Stanford, Board Liaison
Kim Miller, Central Office Liaison
In keeping with the Journals Committee’s charge to develop and manage tools, activities, and resources to assist Association members in improving the function of and promoting the public face of their journals programs, the committee created programming for the Annual Meeting and a virtual pre-Annual Meeting Journals Assembly that focused on increasing our understanding of the various stakeholders in journals publishing and of the broader publishing ecosystem.
Julie Warheit, Wayne State, Chair
Katharine Easterby, Liverpool
Jason Gosnell, Marine Corps
Mark Konecny, Cincinnati
Stacy Lavin, Duke
Sara Pastel, Modern Language Association
Sandra Shaw, Toronto
Sarah Weicksel, American Historical Association
Alice Ennis, Illinois, Board Liaison
Kate Kolendo, Central Office Liaison
Library Relations
The Library Relations Committee expands communications and collaborations between university presses and libraries. This year, the committee organized two sessions for the AUPresses Annual Meeting and worked with the Library Publishing Coalition to solicit applications for the cross-pollination conference registration waiver program. In order to educate the community about what library relations has been and will be, the group worked on a Guide that will be hosted on UP Commons as well as conducted an interview with leaders in publishing (Peter Berkery, AUPresses) and in libraries (Mary Lee Kennedy, Association of Research Libraries). The committee hopes to continue highlighting resources and voices that shed light on library-publisher relations and how they fit within the larger scholarly ecosystem. The committee has also been collaborating with the Digital Publishing Committee to bring a small series of seminars on innovative digital publishing projects to greater attention by the publishing community.
Ana Maria Jimenez-Moreno, Ohio State, Chair
Jason Fikes, Abilene Christian
Stephen Hull, New Mexico
Annie Johnson, Temple
Tracy Kellmer, Pennsylvania
Joell Smith-Borne, Vanderbilt
Saleem Dhamee, Chicago, Board Liaison
Brenna McLaughlin, Central Office Liaison
The Marketing Committee has continued to update the Marketing Handbook in 2021-2022, focusing on the Sales section and re-evaluating the original roadmap for revisions, created by the 2018-2019 committee. The committee has also organized and hosted two Marketing-oriented virtual events. First, the group organized a fall Hangout on PR and media monitoring tools which drew more than 70 attendees. The group looks forward to hosting a virtual, pre-Annual Meetiing workshop on crisis communications in May 2022. Finally, committee members have continued to advise New Books Network on a new book promotion initiative.
Elise Jajuga, Michigan State, Chair
Ken Carpenter, Harvard
Jeremy Grainger, Rutgers
Romi Gutierrez, Florida
Emily Hamilton, Minnesota
Chris Hart, Manchester
Emily Powers, Beacon Press
Anne Strother, Northwestern
Colleen Suljic, Princeton
Chloe Wertz, Pittsburgh
Khelee Williams Gardiner, West Indies
Lara Mainville, Ottawa, Board Liaison
Annette Windhorn, Central Office Liaison
Open Access
In its first year as a full committee, the Open Access (OA) Committee focused on building enduring resources for member presses who are active—or interested in—OA publishing. In particular, the committee began work on an OA Resource Center—an organized library of information, tools, and reports designed to ultimately support presses at every level of interest and capacity in OA. While it won’t be ready to publish on UP Commons this term, the committee has laid key foundations, and hopes that it will debut later in 2022 for future committees to build on. The committee is supporting the Association in the NEH-funded grant to analyze the impact of OA on print monograph sales; the inaugural chair of the committee and the past OA Task Force chair are serving as co-PIs to guide that work. Lastly, committee meeting time was also spent doing professional development and education by inviting external partners from OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association), OA Switchboard, and the OA eBook Data Trust to offer presentations on their work
John Sherer, North Carolina, Chair
Geoffrey Little, Concordia
Andy Redman, Oxford
Tony Sanfilippo, Ohio State
Brigitte Shull, Cambridge
Dhara Snowden, UCL
Kelley A. Squazzo, Johns Hopkins
Elizabeth Swayze, MIT
Erich van Rijn, California
Mary Francis, Pennsylvania, Board Liaison
Brenna McLaughlin, Central Office Liaison
Professional Development
The Professional Development Committee (PDC) develops and manages tools, programs, and resources to assist Association members in improving their publishing expertise, developing their leadership skills, and enhancing their professional development. This year, the PDC organized one webinar, Burnout: How to Spot it and Take Action. The committee is coordinating with the Program Committee to facilitate early career and mid-career hangouts at the AUPresses Annual Meeting in June; and will facilitate a collaboration lab, Building Professional Support Networks Across Publishing Careers at the Annual Meeting. The committee will soon be matching this year’s mentors and mentees for the AUPresses Mentorship Program, after having done an extensive revision of the mentorship guidelines and application form. The committee has also collaborated with the SSP Early Career Committee on potential co-sponsored programs and worked to include an AUPresses member as a panelist at the SSP (Society for Scholarly Publishing) Annual Meeting panel entitled Connect with Confidence: Tools for Early Career Professions. The group is currently working with Allegra Martschenko and Rachael Levay to develop co-sponsored virtual hangouts around resumes, cover letters, and interview skills, building on their Paths to Publishing program. As the pandemic continues, their role in the AUPresses Residency Program has been delayed until travel is safer.
Lyndsey Claro, Princeton, Chair
David Juarez, Notre Dame
Mary Lui, Toronto
Kathryn Marguy, Johns Hopkins
Megan Mendonca, Brandeis
Joe Rusko, Johns Hopkins
Nicole Solano, Rutgers
Bethany Wasik, Cornell
Christian Winting, Columbia
Colleen Lanick, Harvard, Board Liaison
TBD, Central Office Liaison